Lersøgrøftens Integrationsbyhaver





About us:


We are a garden community with 150 gardens located along the path
between Bispebjerg station and Lersø Parkallé. Each garden is
12 square meters and all are grown by local residents.
Our community works to strenghten local unity across residents' groups.
Therefore half of the gardens are reserved for people born outside
of Denmark, while the other half are reserved for people born in Denmark.
In addition, The community focuses on sharing knowledge about gardening
and sustainable principles. At the same time, the ambition is to actively
enter in networks with the many other associations and organizations
working og green initiatives in Copenhagen and on a national level.












        About Membership:


        In Lersøgrøftens integrationsbyhaver we focus on the social community.
        All of our members lives in the local area. No matter when you stop by the
        gardens, you will most often meet other members. We greet each other and
        share ideas and advice on cultivating the gardens. Even though there are
        150 gardens. Not two gardens are alike. Therefore there is alot of knowledge
        and inspiration to find in each other.

        We are a community runned by volunteers. that means: We help out by looking
        after each other and the common areas. We have common gardendays during
        the year. - You are required to attend at least 2 garden days per year.
        This is also an opportunity to meet others from the gardens.


        In addition, we also require you to look after your garden. We have respect
        for the fact that there are many ways to keep the garden but we do not allow
        the gardens to be overgrown with weeds that spread to the neighboring
        gardens. Missing 2 garden days or poor maintence of the garden can mean
        that you will loose your garden.






You can sign up for our waiting list here on the page:
"Become a member"
You will then have to pay a waiting list fee.
When there is a garden available you will be offered
a membership and a garden.
Waiting list per year: 100kr
Membership per year: 400 kr
Applicants must have their address in this area
To be considered for a place on the waiting list: